Flight from Nice delayed or cancelled? Claim flight compensation up to £520!

If your Nice flight was delayed or cancelled you could claim up to £520 in flight compensation!

Start your claim today!

Key Takeaways

  • Flight from or to Nice delayed by more than 3 hours? Claim flight compensation up to £520 per passenger!

  • Was your Nice flight cancelled less than 14 days in advance? Claim flight compensation and the refund of your ticket!

  • Claim in less than a few minutes with Flight-Delayed.co.uk — our team of experts will increase your chances of a successful claim!

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How much compensation can I get for a delayed or cancelled flight from Nice?

If your flight from Nice was delayed by more than 3 hours or cancelled less than 14 days before departure, you might be eligible for flight compensation! Flight compensation is calculated based on the distance of your flight and awarded per passenger.

Distance of your flightCompensation
Flights shorter than 1,500 kmGet £220 per passenger
Flight between 1,500 and 3,500 kmGet £350 per passenger
Flights of over 1,500 kilometres within the EUGet £350 per passenger
Flights of over 3,500 kilometres outside of the EU
Get £520 per passenger

Flight compensation for a delayed flight from/to Nice — check if you're eligible now!

If your flight from Nice was delayed, you could receive up to £520 in flight compensation! However, you must make sure that your flight meets the following requirements:

  1. Your Nice flight was delayed by more than 3 hours upon arrival, AND,

  2. The airline was responsible for the delay. If the delay was caused by an unforeseen event or a third party, the airline is not required to compensate passengers (for more information, see "Extraordinary Circumstances").

Was your flight from Nice cancelled?

At Flight-Delayed.co.uk we help you get your rightful flight compensation!

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Cancelled flight from Nice — compensation and refund policies

In some cases, if your flight from Nice is cancelled, you may be entitled to up to £520 in flight compensation, a full monetary refund of your ticket, or both. Continue reading to learn more about when you might be eligible!

Claim flight compensation for your cancelled flight from Nice

If your flight from Nice was cancelled, you could receive up to £520 in flight compensation if:

  1. Your Nice flight was cancelled less than 14 days before departure, AND,

  2. the airline was responsible for the cancellation (for more information on when the airline can rightfully deny compensation to passengers, see the "Extraordinary Circumstances" section of this page).

Ask for the ticket refund for your cancelled flight from Nice

When your Nice flight is cancelled, you can also get the full refund of your ticket. This is different from the compensation. You can receive a full monetary refund if:

  • Your Nice flight was cancelled, and the airline did not offer you an alternative flight, OR,

  • The airline offered you an alternative flight, but you chose not to accept it.

Was your flight to Nice with a European airline?

You can be eligible for flight compensation!

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Were you offered a voucher for your cancelled flight from Nice? Here’s what you should know.

Instead of a monetary refund, the airline may offer you a travel voucher. We do not recommend accepting them for the following reasons:

  • If you accept a travel voucher, you must fly with the same airline again. Furthermore, you will almost certainly be required to use the voucher within a specific time frame set by the airline.

  • If the airline goes bankrupt, you may have difficulty getting your money back.

Flight to Nice delayed or cancelled, am I also entitled to flight compensation?

The conditions for receiving flight compensation or a refund for your delayed or cancelled flight to Nice are slightly different.

If you were flying from a European country or the United Kingdom, you might be eligible for flight compensation for your delayed or cancelled flight to Nice. The same goes if you were on a European or British airline, no matter where you were flying from.

If you flew from Nice with a non-EU/UK airline and departed from a non-EU country, your flight will not be subject to European flight compensation regulations. The table below contains more detailed information:

Type of flightExampleCompensation
Flying with a British carrierTokyo to London with British AirwaysYes
Flying with a EU carrierAmsterdam to London with KLMYes
Flying with a non-UK/non-EU carrier from the UKLondon to Tokyo with Japan AirlinesYes
Flying with a non-UK/non-EU carrier to the UKTokyo to London with Japan AirlinesNo

Wondering if you can still claim for your Nice flight?

Check it now for free with our Claim Calculator!

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Extraordinary circumstances disrupted my Nice flight — can the airline really deny my claim?

In some cases, the airline has the right to deny passengers flight compensation even if their flight was delayed by more than 3 hours or cancelled less than 14 days before departure. These situations are known as extraordinary circumstances — because the delay or cancellation was caused by a third party or an unforeseen event, rather than the airline.

Here are some examples of extraordinary circumstances:

  • Bad weather conditions, such as thick fog, heavy rain, or thunderstorms.

  • A strike, most often specifically within the aviation industry (for example, a strike of air traffic control workers at a specific airport).

    However, a strike of the airline's crew is not considered an extraordinary circumstance!

  • Political circumstances, such as a terrorist attack or general security risk due to political unrest.

  • Natural disasters, including volcanic eruptions and hurricanes.

  • A collision between the aircraft and birds or other foreign objects.

  • An ill or unruly passenger.

  • Flight delays caused by the airport staff, such as extraordinarily long queues to security checks.

Beware; airlines often claim extraordinary circumstances when no such thing occurred! Leave it to our experts to check for you! Using internal and external aviation data, we check all the factors that could have influenced your flight and make sure that you get your compensation whenever possible!

How long can I claim for my delayed or cancelled flight from Nice?

In general, if you flew to or from Nice, you have 5 years under French law to submit a flight compensation claim.

However, under British law, passengers travelling to or from the UK or flying with a British airline can file claims up to 6 years after their disrupted flight.

How long before I receive my flight compensation for my Nice flight?

Passengers who use Flight-Delayed.co.uk to claim flight compensation usually receive their compensation or refund within a few weeks or months, depending on the airline's responsiveness.

If the airline is unresponsive or denies our initial request, legal action will be required. This legal stage can add several months to several years to the claim process.

Our experts will keep you updated on any developments and will be available to answer any questions you may have, no matter how long the claim is!

How can I claim for a Nice flight cancelled or delayed?

Claim now with Flight-Delayed.co.uk — all you have to do is tell us about your flight and we'll take care of the rest!

A claim expert will be assigned to your case as soon as you submit your claim with Flight-Delayed.co.uk. They will then analyse your claim, prepare all legal documents, contact the airline, and, if necessary, take your claim to court to defend your rights!

Why claim with Flight-Delayed

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About Nice flights

Nice is a popular destination as it allows passengers to reach Nice, but also all the surroundings, including the Alps, Monaco, and Cannes, all of those main points of interest located less than 1 hour from the Nice Cote d’Azur airport.

How to reach Nice by plane? You can take a flight to Nice Cote d’Azur Airport. Another option would be taking a flight to Marseille Airport, from which you can take the train to reach Nice in slightly less than 2 hours.

What airlines should I book to fly to Nice? From the UK, you can easily reach Nice with British Airways, Air France, EasyJet, Vueling, Lufthansa or even KLM. Usually, flights are direct, but you can choose to take a layover flight stopping in Amsterdam or Paris.

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