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How much compensation can I get for a delayed or cancelled flight from Paris?
If your Paris flight from Paris was delayed by more than 3 hours or cancelled fewer than 14 days before departure, you could get flight compensation! It must also be the airline's fault if the flight was cancelled. The amount of flight compensation is calculated according to the distance of your flight and is awarded per passenger.
Distance of your flight | Compensation |
Flights shorter than 1,500 km | Get £220 per passenger |
Flight between 1,500 and 3,500 km | Get £350 per passenger |
Flights of over 1,500 kilometres within the EU | Get £350 per passenger |
Flights of over 3,500 kilometres outside of the EU | Get £520 per passenger |
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Take note that if your flight is delayed or cancelled, the airline owes you specific help. This includes any necessary vouchers for food, drink, communications, transportation, and accommodation. You can directly redeem such vouchers at the airline's service desk in the airport. If the airline does not provide vouchers, you can still make the necessary purchases and keep the receipts; the airline will be liable for paying you back.
Flight compensation for a delayed flight from/to Paris — check if you're eligible now!
If your flight from Paris was delayed, no matter the airline, you could get flight compensation of up to £520 under EU/British regulations! However, you need to make sure that your flight meets the following conditions:
Your Paris flight was delayed by more than 3 hours upon arrival, AND
The airline was the party at fault for the delay. If the delay was caused by an unforeseen event or a third party, the airline won’t have to pay out compensation to passengers (see “Extraordinary Circumstances” section of this page to learn more)
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Cancelled flight from Paris — compensation and refund policies
In the event of a cancelled flight from Paris, you could get up to £520 in flight compensation, the full monetary refund of your ticket, or both, in some situations. Continue reading to know more about when you could be entitled to such benefits!
Claim flight compensation for your cancelled flight from Paris
If your flight from Paris was cancelled, you could get flight compensation of up to £520 per passenger if:
Your Paris flight was cancelled less than 14 days before your flight departure
The airline was at fault for the cancellation (see the “Extraordinary Circumstances” section of this page for more information about when the airline can rightfully deny compensation to passengers).
Cancellation notice | Alternative flight | Compensation |
Fewer than 7 days in advance | Departs 1h+ earlier or arrived 2h+ later | Yes |
7-14 days in advance | Departs 2h+ earlier or arrived 4h+ later | Yes |
Fewer than 14 days in advance | No alternative flight offered | Yes + refund |
Ask for the ticket refund for your cancelled flight from Paris
You are entitled to a full ticket refund if your Paris flight is cancelled. This is separate from the compensation. If a Paris flight is cancelled and the airline is at fault , passengers will get compensation from the airline. However, if a passenger ultimately decides not to fly with the airline, they are all eligible for a refund.
You can get a full monetary refund of your flight ticket if your Paris flight was cancelled and:
The airline did not offer you an alternative flight
The airline offered you an alternative flight, but you decided not to accept it.
Was your flight from Paris cancelled?
At we help you get your rightful flight compensation!
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Were you offered a voucher for your cancelled flight from Paris? Here’s what you should do.
It is possible that, instead of a monetary refund, the airline offers you a travel voucher. We do not recommend accepting those, and here is why:
If you accept a travel voucher, you will have to fly with the same airline in the future. Moreover, you will most likely have to use the voucher within a strict deadline set by the airline.
If the airline ever goes bankrupt, you might find yourself having issues getting your money back.
Flight delayed or cancelled to Paris, am I also entitled to flight compensation?
The requirements to claim flight compensation or a refund for your delayed or cancelled flight to Paris are slightly different if you were travelling there.
For your delayed or cancelled flight to Paris, you can receive flight compensation if:
You were flying from a European country or the UK
You took a flight operated by a European or British airline
You won't be subject to European laws covering flight compensation if your flight from Paris was operated by a non-EU/UK carrier and your flight originated in a non-EU country. The table below provides more comprehensive details:
Type of flight | Example | Compensation |
Flying with a British carrier | Tokyo to London with British Airways | Yes |
Flying with a EU carrier | Amsterdam to London with KLM | Yes |
Flying with a non-UK/non-EU carrier from the UK | London to Tokyo with Japan Airlines | Yes |
Flying with a non-UK/non-EU carrier to the UK | Tokyo to London with Japan Airlines | No |
Was your flight to Paris with a European airline?
You can be eligible for flight compensation!
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Extraordinary circumstances disrupted my Paris flight — can the airline really deny my claim?
There are some situations where the airline can rightfully deny flight compensation to passengers even though their flight was delayed by more than 3 hours or cancelled fewer than 14 days before departure. We call such situations Extraordinary Circumstances — these are the cases when the delay or the cancellation wasn’t due to the airline’s fault but to a third party or unforeseen event.
Here are some examples of Extraordinary Circumstances:
Bad weather conditions, such as thick fog, heavy rain, or thunderstorms.
A strike, most often specifically within the aviation industry (for example, a strike of air traffic control workers at a specific airport).
However, a strike of the airline's crew is not considered an extraordinary circumstance!
Political circumstances, such as a terrorist attack or general security risk due to political unrest.
Natural disasters, including volcanic eruptions and hurricanes.
A collision between the aircraft and birds or other foreign objects.
An ill or unruly passenger.
Flight delays caused by the airport staff, such as extraordinarily long queues to security checks.
Don't worry—we'll look into the reason why your Paris flight was cancelled or delayed, saving you the trouble. For the purpose of ensuring that you receive your Paris flight compensation, our experts will compare internal and external aviation data.
How long can I claim for my delayed or cancelled flight from Paris?
In general, when flying to or from Paris, you can claim compensation for 5 years after your flight as stated by French law.
However, according to British law, travellers can file claims up to 6 years after their flight was disrupted if they were travelling to or from the UK or were flying with a British airline.
How long before I receive my flight compensation for my Paris flight?
Usually, passengers who claim flight compensation with, receive their compensation or refund within a few weeks or a few months, depending on how responsive the airline is.
If the airline is non-responsive or if they deny our initial request, legal work will be needed. This legal stage can add up to a few months to a few years to the claim journey.
No matter how long the claim is, our experts will keep you posted on any developments and will be available to answer any questions you may have!
How can I claim for a Paris flight cancelled or delayed?
From the moment you submit your claim with, a claim expert will be assigned to your case. From there, they will analyze your claim, prepare all legal documents, get in touch with the airline and, if needed, take your claim to court to defend your rights!
To make a claim for flight compensation with, you first need to share information about your flight. Don't forget to keep a copy of your boarding pass, passport, booking number, and receipts for any fees faced as a result of a delay or cancellation. The more information we have on your disrupted flight, the more our experts will be able to help you get compensation!
Why claim with Flight-Delayed
1m passengers helped
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About Paris
The capital city of France, Paris, is a popular travel destination! Passengers from all over the world arrive daily at one of the city’s main airports: Paris Orly Airport and Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.
Flying from Paris, you will be able to enjoy French airlines such as Air France and Hop!, but also international and low-cost airlines such as easyJet, Ryanair, British Airways, Lufthansa and more!
Both airports are located around 30 to 40 minutes away from the Paris city centre where you can enjoy the French culture with typical restaurants, museums and neighbourhoods such as Le Marais, which is famous for its party spirit and small typical streets. Of course, it is difficult to go to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower, l’Arc de Triomphe and Le Louvre! If you want to plan your trip to Paris ahead of time, you can follow the advice from the Paris tourist office!
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